is_valid) { // Simple Form Script // Copyright (C) 2005 Eric Zhang // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Please send bugs/questions to //--------------------------Set these paramaters-------------------------- //$isin = substr_count($_REQUEST['Email'], "@"); $carbon = $_REQUEST['carbon']; $subject = $_REQUEST['subject']; // Subject of email sent to you. $emailadd = $_REQUEST['mailbox']; // Your email address. This is where the form information will be sent. $url = $_REQUEST['forward']; // Where to redirect after form is processed. $req = '0'; // Makes all fields required. If set to '1' no field can not be empty. If set to '0' any or all fields can be empty. // --------------------------Do not edit below this line-------------------------- $text = "Results from form:\n\n"; $space = ' '; $line = ' '; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if ($req == '1') { if ($value == '') {echo "$key is empty";die;} } $j = strlen($key); if ($j >= 40) {echo "Name of form element $key cannot be longer than 40 characters";die;} $j = 40 - $j; for ($i = 1; $i <= $j; $i++) {$space .= ' ';} $value = str_replace('\n', "$line", $value); $conc = "{$key}:$space{$value}$line"; $text .= $conc; $space = ' '; } $headers = "";//'To: '.$emailadd. "\r\n"; //$headers .= 'From: '.$_REQUEST['Email'].' <'.$_REQUEST['Email'].'>' . "\r\n"; //$headers .= 'Cc: '.$carbon. "\r\n"; mail($emailadd, $subject, $text) or die( "Cannot send mail" ); //mail("", $subject, $text, $headers) or die( "Cannot send mail" ); header('Location: '.$url); //echo ''; } else { # set the error code so that we can display it. You could also use # die ("reCAPTCHA failed"), but using the error message is # more user friendly $error = $resp->error; } } ?> Expatriate Life Insurance Cover | Expatriate Insurance | Life Assurance Cover

 Expat Life Insurance from

Level term Assurance Decreasing
Mortgage Protection Critical Illness
Family Income Benefit Waiver of Premium Benefit Inheritance Tax IHT Planning
Expat Life Insurance
Expat Health Insurance
Expat Income Protection
William Russell
Friends Provident Int'

Invest & Protect LTD
45 Market Street
CH47 2BQ

Tel 0044 845 539 04 04

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Office Hours
9am - 5pm

 Expatriate life insurance

No matter what nationality you are, as long as you are living overseas and not in your country of origin we canExpatriate Life insurance for Foreign Nationals obtain a life insurance plan for you so why not complete the form below and see how we can help you.
Finding life insurance cover when you are an expatriate living abroad can be very difficult. For this reason here at we have set about not only securing quality expatriate life insurance cover but also making sure that is at the best possible price we can obtain.

First it is important to understand the reasons why Expatriate clients have difficulties getting life cover when they are living overseas. To do this you need to know what purchase options there are for life insurance while you are living abroad.

Option 1 Country of residence

Option 2 Country of Nationality

The problem with Option 1 is it is always going to be the fact that you are not a national of that particular country. No matter were you are living their rules rarely accommodate easy purchase of products such as these by expats.

Option 2 will also present issues the main being down to mortality rates. Take the United Kingdom as an example. If you live in the United Kingdom there are statistics known by actuaries of every single life insurance company that state when you are going to die when you are going to suffer a critical illness and so on these statistics are known as Mortality rates for death and Morbidity rates for illness. Now obviously no one actually knows when you are going to die but actuaries know when you are statistically going to die based on what part of the country you live in and what you do for a living, what your health is like and what activities you like to undertake. It is these very statistics that decide exactly what you pay for life insurance. These statistics are very much like the odds on a horse race ie. the likelyhood of any one horse coming in before another.

Now what on earth has this got to do with Expatriate Life insurance? I can hear you ask. Simple these statistics don't just differ depending on what part of the UK you live in, they significantly differ depending what part of the world you live in and it is for that reason UK life insurance companies don't like insuring people living abroad. Because if they do in a lot of cases they would not be charging enough money. The reason for this is the UK has some of the lowest mortality rates in the world and some countries have very high mortality rates meaning that the statistical chance of you dying increases if you live in the country.

With that explained you will now understand why some countries are quite expensive but please be assured that we are always trying to make sure that the quotes that we obtain on your behalf are the best we can get.

That said if you would like us to obtain you a free no obligation quote please complete the form below and one will be mailed straight back to you.
Name of Life assured One  >
Email  >
Country of residence  >
Nationality  >
Date of Birth  >
Smoker Yes/No  
Sum assured  >           
Premium frequency  
Term in years  >
Occupation  >
Do you own a UK property  
Telephone Number
Please try to include the country code
Please enter any other form of contact if available
eg. SKYPE, MSN Messenger etc

In the event of joint life -

- Partners details
Name Life assured two  >
Country of residence  >
Nationality  >
Date of Birth  >
Occupation  >
Smoker Yes/No  
Any other comments  
0)echo "Incorrect, please try again"; echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey);?>

Before clicking submit please check all the boxes are complete as incomplete boxes will result in us being unable to provide a quote.

For More information on Invest & Protect Ltd and their services or for Independent financial advice please visit

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Please find below some sites that we consider may be of benefit to our users by selecting any of the following links, you will leave the regulated site of Invest & Protect Ltd. Invest & Protect Ltd are not responsible for the accuracy of the information contained within these linked sites. Almost a British expats yellow pages